Jose Jareño invests in innovation for scrap recycling
The objective of the project is the incorporation of a new process for scrap recovery. To this end, a new shredder line for processing metal scrap will be acquired and commissioned, which will be installed in 2022 in a production center of the company in the province of Valencia. It is equipped with the most advanced technology in the sector.
CDTI participates in the project presented in the direct line of expansion.
3,107,406.00€, which represents a percentage of 75.00% of the total budget accepted by this center that will be used to finance the project “innovation in scrap metal recycling”, through the granting of a partially reimbursable aid with interest of up to 4,143,208.00€
The aid includes a non-refundable tranche of 10.00% and a refundable part comprising the remainder to which an interest rate of 0.50% per annum will be applied. This aid is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Spain’s
Pluri-regional Operational Program 2014-2020.